
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Officially 20

saeng il chuk ha ham ni da~ 
saeng il chuk ha ham ni da~ 
sarang ha neun dora yeu shi! 
saeng il chuk ha ham ni da~~ 

Thanks for all wishes :D
Celebrated my 20th bday with my lovely friends. Thanks..really mean it =)

Thanks, bday cake from dearest Captain Oliver :D
The cake was so nice! :D

J.CO donuts from Nick. I was totally shocked! Thanks thanks thanks a lot!! :D

Group photos!

Posed with Dong, Oliver & Chye!! XD

After losta surprise from my lovely colleague, we went Hong's house for dinner.
Chef Hong prepare lots of food! Grateful to have such good cook friends :D

playing around~ hiak hiak XD

We have total 7 dishes. Mostly lala, lala & lala XD

I was grumbling for ice-cream and they immediately take out their home-made ice-cream cake. Surprise again! Really appreciate it =')

Before that, I was curious when I saw this on the table XD 

Make a wish! 

Made losta wishes that day. I had so many chance to blow out the candles XD

Mocha Walnut Cake from my mum!! Thanksss :D

Time to show off my presents!! muahaha XD

Presents from Anna, my best friend aka colleague! I love Donut so much!! :D

From my colleague Chye! Thanks a lot =)

From my mum!! Thank you mama!! ❤ though I forced her to buy it XD

Doraemon album from Elaine!! I love this soooooo sooooo much!!!!!! Thanksssss!!! *huggggss* =')

Key pouch from Heah! Thanks for coming but sorry for disappointing you that I didn't cry! haha.

Special present by Kooi & Hong. Thanks =) Its super touching, I can't stop reading and laughing! haha
Don't be jealous Kooi, none can replace TPE =)

Thanks Hong for the video. I know you put a lot of effort on it :D 

Special box made by Kooi herself in the middle of night! Thanks a lot!!! I'll keep it well =D

Lastly, gifts from my old friends Yanmin, Jochen & Shin! Thank you so so much!!! =D

I'm officially 20 now! 

我有最爱的叮当家人朋友同事 =)

Last but not least, I love TPE!! :D

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