
Monday, August 5, 2013

Kimchi Day

It's been such a looooong time since we made kimchi, perhaps it's been 2 years? Time flies sooo fast. haha. Still, the same gang except Laine & 没良心的 Heah. =X

You can just ask Mr. Google about the detail recipe =) 


 Soak them in salt water

 Leave them aside for a while~

Cut & mince the onions. Though I'm not the one who handle this, but it makes me cry seriously T_T

Kooi with her onion babiess haha.

Also, cut & mince the garlic. Simply throw them into the blender with few cups of fish sauce.

Ju with the garlicsss

Kooi is getting prettier and prettier! ^^

Mix up the porridge with hot pepper flakes, minced garlic and onions

Radish and green onionsss

Mix up with the kimchi paste!

Then mix them with the soaked cabbage

Show time!! ^^

Mix all ingredients!! woohoo~

Ju & YunYee 

Done!! =D

Hong made Pajeon for us too! :D
 Mix up wheat flour, green onions, onions, egg, crab sticks and whatever

Looks delicious and it taste delicious as well!!

Our chef Hong :D

Hong made seafood porridge for us too. Taste so gooooooood!!

Tiramisu from YunYee 

No doubt, it taste great too! ^^

Looking forward for next gathering!! Have lots of fun with them ^^