
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Kuching: Sharing-Planet

Here's a western food restaurant, which I wanted to recommend long long ago and finally now I get to blog about it   >< Actually I'm pretty lazy to update my blog but I think I should have wrote down every thing because "sharing is caring" right? haha.
Here we go, Sharing-Planet. They have 2 branches, one located at Jalan Stapok and another one at Jalan Ban Hock. 

This photo is captured at the branch located at Jalan Ban Hock.


 I'd already decided what to eat before going which is Ice Cream Chicken Chop recommended by my senior. Looks special right? haha.

The environment is just nice and there's a small pool at the middle of the restaurant.

 All time favourite Hot Rose Tea. Love the fragrant smell.

 Triple Cheesyland. Did you see that? There are 3 pieces of chicken stack together. Very large portion!

Tadaa~ Here comes my Ice Cream Chicken Chop. Also in large portion, there are 2 pieces of chicken and I only manage to finish one. >_< I finish up the ice cream quickly before it melts haha.

Grilled lamb shoulder. There are 3 pieces of lamp in palm size. Hong said she's not going to eat lamb anymore haha.

Crazy Monkey. Can't remember clearly but I think it's ice blended with combination of banana and peanut. Also recommended by senior.

Spaghetti Carbonara 

Chicken Gorden Blue. It's almost equal to 2 fist size. very very large portion and delicious!

Double Cheezyland again at Stapok branch. 

Supreme De Volaille. Wow I like this seriously. The chicken is sooo crispy and taste so good! As you can see there are 2 pieces of them again!

All the prices are between around RM14 to RM25, not expensive isn't it? It's worth to try it because it's  in very large portion and really tasty. Writing this post makes me so hungry!!

Visit their Facebook here.

Sharing Planet
Address: Lot 4126 Jalan Stapok, Kuching, MY. 
Reservation Hotline: 016-8927774
Business hour: Sun-Thur -> 6pm-11pm (Close on Wed)
                      Fri-Sat -> 6pm-11.30pm

Sharing Downtown
Address: Ban Hock Road, 93100 Kuching, Malaysia
Reservation Hotline: 011-1666 1737
Business hour: Mon - Sun: 18:00 - 11:45

Saturday, February 23, 2013

槟城: 王昭君餐馆

汉朝末年有王昭君出塞和亲而闻名,如今槟城的饮食界依旧因王昭君而名满天下。在双溪槟榔(Sungai Pinang)某茶室迁移到仰光路(Rangoon Road)的王昭君酸辣鱼头米粉在清晨8时就开档,客似云来,可见得它的魅力有多棒!1993年出来创业,1995年因为顾客的一句话:“你煮的鱼头好像王昭君般又白又好看!” 陈有才就因此决定去掉原先名为的“梅鱼头米粉”,改名为“王昭君酸辣鱼头米粉”。

我妈是这间餐馆的忠实客户! 我则是隔了好长一段时间才有机会再次去大快朵颐~ 


Wang Chau Jun Special Toufu

Steamed Fish Slice Hor Fun
我超爱这道的!  嘻嘻~ 酱油很香,河粉很滑嫩,加上蒸鱼整个绝配!超好吃的~

Wang Chau Jun Special
想起就流口水 (O﹃O)
可以选择要鱼片, 炸鱼片或鱼头, 我们点了炸鱼片的. 
不过他不再用沙煲锅盛这道菜,少了点feel 呵呵
别看它一副普通鱼头米粉的样子..吃下去就可以感受到王昭君的命有多纠结 >_<
很酸狠辣,超够味的,看她  ↓  ↓  ↓  ↓  吃成这样就知道了

 更多菜单可以到 王昭君鱼头米粉的FB 查看 

大头大头 下雨不用愁~

王昭君餐馆坐落在Rangoon Road. 由于这条路是 One-way 的, 从Macalister Road 进不去, 得从 Burma Road 拐弯进来。

地址: 73, Rangoon Road, 10400 
电话: 012-420 8810 
营业时间: 8am - 2.30pm (周二休息)